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What We Treat

Dr Jenna Wa Skin Surgery is a CQC-registered minor skin surgery clinic, dedicated to your skin health. We specialise in removal of small lumps and bumps, such as moles, skin tags, warts, cysts, cherry angiomas, blemishes and age spots.


We also offer a mole check service to give you peace of mind.

Mole Removal in Nottingham

Moles are common skin conditions. They are caused by a cluster of melanocytes, the type of cell that gives the skin its colour. The good news is that most moles are benign.

Skin Tag Removal in Nottingham

Skin tags are benign growths on the skin, usually skin-coloured. They are common in areas where there is some rubbing, for example under the arms and in the groin.

Seborrheic Wart Removal in Nottingham

Seborrheic warts are also known as seborrhoea keratosis, wisdom spots or senile warts. They are harmless growths on the skin that commonly occur as people get older.

Cyst Removal in Nottingham

Cysts are harmless lumps that are found anywhere on your body, including the scalp. They are made of a sac, which is filled with fluid, dead skin or fatty debris.

Wart Removal in Nottingham

Warts are common harmless lesions that you will find anywhere on your body. They look a bit like a cauliflower.

Verruca Removal in Nottingham

Verrucas are small lumps on the soles of the feet, usually with a black point in the middle. They are common skin problems that most people will experience at some point in their lives.

Cherry Angioma Removal in Nottingham

Cherry angiomas are small raised blood spots. They can be very easily removed using cryotherapy.

Milia Removal in Nottingham

Milia are small white spots on the skin, which are caused by blocked pores.

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